Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Pixel Dad (or DadToLibbs) is back!!

I'm back...again.

Let's start with an introduction. I started blogging in 2009 for a couple of local websites. That made me want to start my OWN blog. I wrote on 'DadToLibbs' for about a year, then switched over to ThePixelDad. That didn't last long, as my creativity took a hit. but I don't know why. I tried to start again in 2016 and 2018, but having to learn how to make my blog look like something non-generic again made me give up almost instantly.

Here I am in 2023. Thirteen years ago, I started blogging. I'm back, just in time for blogging to die out. Everyone is on TikTok or Instagram now. Or YouTube. Does anyone actually read these things anymore?

A short 'About Me':

  • I just turned 40 on June 13th.
  • The daughter I wrote about twelve years ago when she was one year old, just turned 13.
  • I've been homeless twice since then.
  • I started pixel painting back in November 2012.
  • Not a whole lot else.
I'm here again because I never stopped thinking about writing. I want to continue. Plus, my 13 year old daughter, after seeing an archive of my blogs on, has started her own blog. So now we get to do more things together.

So this blog is going to be about fatherhood, painting, and random things. I'll also be posting blogs from back in the day (maybe once a week) to give you an idea of what the blog will be like. I'm also going to get the design right eventually. And a proper URL.

I hope you'll come back to read more of my writings.